An Enchanting Guide to Birthstones!

Birthstones, mystical jewels that carry symbolism and ancient legends. Each stone is said to understand your energy, attract fortune, and align with your soul’s journey.
The Garnet

December 22 -January 19
A semi-precious gemstone, known for its healing energy created within the earth where lava flows. This particular rock can be found through-out Brazil, India and the U.S
Capricorns benefit greatly from the Garnets vibrancy, helping them stay focused while remaining flexible. Magnifying and manifesting the Capricorns creative passion
January 20 - Febuary 18
The stone that symbolized royalty in the middle ages, is formed inside volcanic geodes and quartz veins through out Brazil, Russia, and Zambia.
For Aquarious, the Amethyst enhances intuition, deeping spirtual clairty and emotional balance.
Febuary 19 - March 20
This tranquil sea blue gem is crystalized inside the earths crust within granite and pegiment rocks in Brazil, Nigiria, and Pakistan
For Pices the Aquamarine crystal soothes anxiety. They connect with the stones calming nature, enhancing luck and prosperity

March 21- April 19
April 20 - May 20
The precious diamond, formed under high temperatures and immense pressure at the heart of the earth can be found in the mines of South Africa, Australia, and Canada. Diamonds are known to amplify energy to anyone who wears them.
For Aries it promotes resilience, and strengthens relationships, manifesting ultimate success.
Superior, regarded as " The King of Jewls" symbolizes wit and elegance. Growing in rich minerals and metamorphic rocks all over Columbia, Brazil, and Zambia.
For Taurus, this green rock enhances peace in their heart chakra. Strengthening love,clarity and intuition
May 21 - June 21

The Pearl
Pure and balanced symbolizing a true heart and the cycle of life. Formed in the East Sea of Japan and the reefs of Australia.
For Geminis the pearl protects against negative energy and enhances their natural charm.
Becoming more rare to find in nature, The moonstone represents feminine energy and inner wisdom. This stone is created from a clash of 2 other naturally occurring minerals in India.
Gemini's foster fertility and passion, creating a healing energy around them while wearing this opulent gem.
A very precious jewel, rarely found in nature anymore. This gem will change color with high temperatures and is forged throughout Russia and Brazil.
This stone manifests luck, transformation and improves overall well-being for Geminis.

June 22- July 22
More rare than a diamond created under immense heat and pressure uunder the earths surface in marble and basalt deposits in Thailand and India.
Cancer uniquley benefitsfrom the ruby and its vitality, living a couragous life, sharpening their instincts.
July 23- August 22
The stone of light and luxury is formed in volcanic rocks in the U.S, Egypt, and China. Known to dispell negative energy.
Leo's use Peridot to invite blessingings into their life, bringing in positivity and inner growth.
August 23- September 22
Known as the stone of wisdom and divine favor, the Sapphire is formed within igenous and metamorphic rocks in Australia and Sri Lanka.
For Virgos, this gem contributes greatly to their emotional balance, ellevating their natural intuition, and spiritual energy.
May 21 - June 21

Ranging in beauiful opulant colors that inspire creative energy and strength are found in the Outback reefs of Australia and Ethiopia.
For Libra, the opal balances and aligns them with their divine energy creating connection and harmony.
A precious stone that represents the natural flow of life, created through the process of hot lava and rainwater mixing into the cracks of the volcano, can be found in Brazil and the U.S.
For Libra, The tourmaline stone gives them the unique ability to balance the heart and mind, giving a tranquil and calm mindset.
May 21 - June 21

The crystal that represents joy and love, growing in cooling magma is known to manifest abundance, Topaz is found throughout Brazil, Russia, and Pakistan.
Scorpios use the Topaz jewel to elevate themselves, enhancing and radiating inner motivation leading to good fortune.
Related to Amethyst, which is created with high pressure within quartz veins inside the earth's crust, Citrine is a crystal used for spiritual well-being.
For the Scorpio, citrine is used for divine power and spiritual insight, creating renewal in every aspect of life.
May 21 - June 21
November 22 - December 21

An ancient blue gemstone known to detox negative energies and heal inner wounds, Turquoise was created over millions of years in limestone mineral deposits in very hot, dry regions of the world.
Turquoise speaks to Sagittarius's truth inspiring healthy communication, clarity, and self-expression.
This gorgeous stone, with shades varying from lavender to a deep indigo can be found in only one place in the world, in the rich hills of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. Tanzanite is extreamly rare and enhances you natural anility to grow.
When Sagittarious uses this crystal, they embrace another level of consciousness.
One of planet earths oldest stones, Zircon is formed via a natural crystallisation process through geological shifts combined with magma. Carryed throughout riverbeds and rock deposits in Australia and Cambodia.
Known for its stability, Zircon makes Sagittarious exude confidence, helping them focus, fueling their curiosty.